Sharon Carr
Career Smart Founder, Career Coach, based in Australia - Clients GLOBALLY
How it started for me...
Becoming a career coach and founding Career Smart was the culmination of many years spent finding my own ideal career… the hard way.
I had, on the outside, the dream corporate career - high salary, prestige, travel, meeting global leaders, the lot. I had lead sales and marketing teams in Singapore, China and Australia working for some of the most respected global brands such as Apple, Coca Cola and Unilever. I held a board director role with the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Beijing while I managed a Management Consulting company for Greater China.
And while this progression came with an increasingly rewarding salary, new opportunities and esteem, I was never truly satisfied. I felt there was an essential ingredient missing; a connection between my day-to-day work life and the person I was inside.
It was only when I was actively mentoring and training teams and clients that I felt enlivened and excited by my work. ​ I LOVED helping other find their path. What suited them.
I have now coached or trained over 2000 clients around the globe and it is my wish to use all my experience and knowledge to get you on the right track to your best career (and life) fit.
THIS is my passion. THIS was what motivates me and why Career Smart exists today!

Our process

Call now!
Initial 15 min free consult to discover if this is the right process for you and if so, how we can help.
Before the session you will complete a career/personality assessment which will be used to assist yourself and your consultant to uncover your natural strengths, personality and determine your best career options

Debrief of Outcomes
Together we’ll go through the results of your assessment to discuss your unique personality traits and what this means for you in terms of achieving your goals This will be in depth and rigorous but also fun!
Assess Career/Study Options
With a comprehensive understanding of your unique characteristics and qualities, we can assess the right career or study options for your future success.

Intensive Career Vetting
After determining your career possibilities, each option is closely scrutinised to ensure the very best career fit for your long-term success and fulfilment in both career and life.
Career Action Plan
Like anything in life, with no action there can be no achievement of a goal. As a result the final step is to both consolidate the session into a Career Action Plan. You will be provided with a brief but complete guide on the "Where to from here".

Worked with
